把下面的代码添加到主题目录中的 functions.php 文件中,之后我们需要做的就是在主题目录下建立一个样式表文件 login.css 文件,把需要的样式写到这个文件即可。
function custom_loginpage_logo_link($url) { // Return a url; in this case the homepage url of wordpress return get_bloginfo('wpurl'); } function custom_loginpage_logo_title($message) { // Return title text for the logo to replace 'wordpress'; in this case, the blog name. return get_bloginfo('name'); } function custom_loginpage_head() { /* Add a stylesheet to the login page; add your styling in here, for example to change the logo use something like: #login h1 a { background:url(images/logo.jpg) no-repeat top; } */ $stylesheet_uri = get_bloginfo('template_url').'/css/login.css'; echo '; } // Hook in add_filter('login_headerurl','custom_loginpage_logo_link'); add_filter('login_headertitle','custom_loginpage_logo_title'); add_action('login_head','custom_loginpage_head');
function custom_loginpage_logo_link($url) { // Return a url; in this case the homepage url of wordpress return home_url(); } function custom_loginpage_logo_title($message) { // Return title text for the logo to replace ‘wordpress’; in this case, the blog name. return get_bloginfo('name'); } function custom_loginpage_head() { /* Add a stylesheet to the login page; add your styling in here, for example to change the logo use something like: #login h1 a { background:url(images/logo.jpg) no-repeat top; } */ $stylesheet_uri = get_template_directory_uri().'/css/login.css'; echo ''; } // Hook in add_filter('login_headerurl','custom_loginpage_logo_link'); add_filter('login_headertext','custom_loginpage_logo_title'); add_action('login_head','custom_loginpage_head');
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本文地址:自定义 WordPress 后台登陆样式
本文地址:自定义 WordPress 后台登陆样式